Meeting: Wednesday 8th April 2015

A meeting of the St Brides Minor Community Council will take place at the Life Long Learning Centre commencing at 5.45 pm on Wednesday 8th April 2015.

Meeting Agenda

Pre-meeting Item:
Speaker: Elaine Williams, Bridgend County Care & Repair Agency, on its “Choose Well Campaign”

  1. Chair’s opening’s remarks and to receive apologies for absence-
    Apology Councillor Dobbs, on holiday.
  2. To note declarations of interest by members, in any agenda items.
  3. To adopt the minutes of the Council Meetings held on Monday 9th March 2015 and deal with any matters arising, not covered elsewhere on the agenda
  4. BCBC Report
  5. Appointment of  a “Diversity Champion”
  6. Finance
    i) Latest Bank Statements
    ii) Receipts
    iii) Payments for Approval
  7. Report by the Clerk
  8. Events
  9. Development Projects (see Clerk’s report)
    i) Sarn Cemetery
  10. Reports from External Bodies
    i) Coity Walia:
    ii) Sarn Centre Association
    iii) Friends of Tyn Y Coed Surgery
    iv) V2C
    v) PACT Sarn & Bryncoch, Bryncethin
  11. Members Reports/ A.O.B
  12. Planning & Development

Date and time of next  meeting  – 6.00 pm on Monday 11th May , at the Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn

ST BRIDES MINOR COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda Notes for the meeting to be held on Wednesday 8th  April 2015

Item 6  FINANCE i)Bank Accounts

March statement  awaited.

ii) Receipts

No receipts, to report but claim submitted to BCBC for footpath cost reimbursement of £ 915.

iii)Payments for Approval

St Brides Minor CC contribution to BCBC Library Services at the Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn. £6600.

Expenses Claim Yvonne Nott, purchase of flowers  £28.50

Brian Rees Clerk salary payment April £622.48

HMRC Employee Tax & Employer NI, April  (by bank transfer) £ 171.48

Expenses claim Brian Rees, print cartridge & copy paper £ 38.10   Item  7  REPORT BY CLERK Correspondence Received For Decision

Letter dated 20th March, inviting Chair and Consort to Mayorial Service of Thanksgiving at 3.00 pm on Sunday 10th May at Salem Chapel, Coychurch Rd Pencoed, followed by a buffet at the Social Club, Hendre Road.(formerly British Legion Club.)

Letter dated 30th March, from Mazars Externals Auditor, regarding Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2015, to be approved by the 30th June agreed and submitted by the 3rd July 2015.

For Noting/Information

*E mail dated March 2015,from WG, advising that the Local Government Byelaws (Wales)  Act 2012 will be fully enforced on 30th March. Further information, to follow.

* Letter dated 12th March from Western Power Distribution confirming the unmetered supply of electricity for Xmas lights, bill still awaited.

* Letter dated March from  the Co-operative Bank regarding potential compensation and charges for any unplanned overdrafts. On the first point, the Bank advises that in the event of a Bank failure, compensation of up to £85,000 will be available for any loss deposits. Council balances have never reached that amount and the Council policy  is that balances never exceed £85,000.  The Council operates neither planned or unplanned over drafts and such charges have never been incurred.

* Letter dated 4th March from George Harvey Commmercial  Manager South Wales Wood Recycling, re. its proposed purchase and re-development of the former Bryncethin Nursery as part of its existing adjacent processing site. He invited Councillors to an invitation day on the 19th March. The letter was received late and the Clerk was unable to action. Subsequently, the Clerk  tried to contact Mr Harvey without success but will try, again before the next Council meeting.


Matters for Report


Mayor’s Citizenship Award.

Mr Russ White was presented with his award on the 12th March by Borough Mayor Councillor  Gary Thomas, the Ceremony attended by the Chair and the Deputy Chair.


Litter Bins

The Clerk has contacted the Management of the McArthur Glenn Centre on three occasions, seeking sponsorship for two litter bins, presently without successes but will continue to press.


Sarn Cemetery

The transfer of the maintenance responsibility for the Cemetery has presently been delayed at the request of BCBC, because of an objection raised by a Union. When the requests from BCBC to take on responsibility for certain activities was firstly considered by the Council, the Clerk asked the BCBC Management involved,  whether there were any employment/union issues related to the transfer of certain Cemetery responsibility but was advised there were none.  This was an essential pre-assurance before any contractual arrangement could be put in place for the work to be carried out in an alternative way i.e. by Rowan Gardens Designs. Further, on the assumption that the transfer of responsibility was to take place from the 1st April, steps were taken to increase the Council’s Precept by £10,000.  There was no written contract with Rowan Garden Design and its principal has been very understanding about the situation in which the Council finds its self and fortunately it does not appear he had incurred any expenditure, or loss of any income, in anticipation of this Contract.  Hopefully this is only a short temporary delay and if so, that the basis of the proposed transfer remains the same. If not, the Council will have to consider what steps to take to resolve the situation, especially in respect of the additional precept raising for this specific purposes.

Item 8 Events

Councillor Janice Lewis has  – as agreed at the last meeting  – booked children entertainers for Halloween on the 30th October and the  Children Events Xmas at Sarn on the 4th December.

Item 9 Report from External Bodies

v) Sarn & Bryncoch PACT Meeting 7th April      

The meeting was quite well attended, with about twenty present, including five new residents .from Parc  Tyn  Y Coed. Councillors Shirley Dodd, Janice Lewis and the Clerk were in attendance.

Crime figures for March (and including Easter) were a little up.



Seven Crimes – 2 theft from vehicles,3 violence against the person,1 drugs,( warning for smoking cannabis),1 Burglary

Anti Social Behaviour

1 Youth Nuisance, 1 Abuse, threatening behaviour etc on social media.



8 crimes –  1 theft from vehicles, 1 damage motor vehicle, 2 drugs,2 theft and handling  vreft

Item 11 Planning & Development

Applications for Development:

*Former Ogmore Comprehensive School Play field Abergarw Road                                                                          Residential development for 132 dwellings & associated works.

As agreed at the March meeting the Clerk has lodged objective to this application on the grounds that the highways are inadequate for the additional traffic which it will generate and that education provision in the area, will not be able to cope with the additional requirement from the site. The Clerk has requested speaking rights  at the Planning & Control Committee when the application is considered.

(Extract from a Planning Inspector’s Report on the proposed Bryncethin By-By Pass)

* Marks & Spencer 50-52 Designer Outlet

Permanent 4 legged 5mx1.8m steel clad canopy woth ssides & 2 bollard to expose corners (to rear of unit)

Decided Applications –consents given

*Hendre Post Farm. Bryncethin

New agricultural building for the storage of livestock animal feed and machinery

*Land at Wern Dew Farm Heol Persondy Sarn

Erect a single storey detached bungalow, designed to accommodate a disabled person.

*107A & 108 Rowans Lane Bryncethin

Cut back overhanging branches of beach and pine trees.

*Parc Tyn Y Coed,Sarn

Non material amendment to planning approval

* 9 Highland Close,Sarn

Rear Dormer to provide 2 no bedrooms and 1 en suite bathrooom

BGR 05/04/15