Meeting: Monday 9th November 2015

Dear Councillor

Firstly many thanks for all your kindnesses and messages of support during my illness,they are very much appreciated and helped. Yvonne – our Chair – has been a tower of strength.

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the St Brides Minor Community Council, which will take place at the Life Long Learning Centre Sarn on Monday 9th November at 6.00 pm.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Chair’s opening’s remarks and to receive apologies for absence
  2. Office of Clerk of St Brides Minor Community Council
  3. Declarations of interest by members, in any agenda items.
  4. *To adopt – subject to any required amendment – the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 14th September 2015 and deal with any matters arising, not covered elsewhere on the agenda. * Note any actions agreed at the Council meeting on the 12th October and formally approve a minute of the same
  5. Finance
    i) Bank Statements
    ii) Receipts
    iii) Payments for Approval
    12. Planning & Development
    ST BRIDES MINOR COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda Notes for the meeting to be held on Monday 12th October 2015
    Item 6 FINANCE i)Bank/B.S. Statements
    Co-operative Community Bank Account Balance at 30th September £ 50641.26
    ii) Receipts
    Contribution from Newcastle Higher CC towards cost of Summer Play Scheme £388.98,
    ii)Payments for Approval
    Rowan Garden Designs,Grass cutting, flower beds, hanging baskets £ 3640
    Brian G Rees Clerk salary payment, October £ 622.48
    BCBC additional planning fee for Memorial Hall Car Park £ 15.00
    Item 7 REPORT BY CLERK Correspondence Received For Decision/Action
    *Letter from the Wales Audit Office dated the 24th September, advising of some changes to be made in the format of External Annual Audits and the appointment of new external auditors – BDO LLP.
    *Letter from Western Power Distribution dated 25th September re. temporary connections for Christmas Lighting –Centregreat, the Council’s contractor to be advised.
    For Noting/Information
    Thankyou letter dated the 7th September from the Chair of Sarn & Bryncoch PACT, for the continued Council sponsorship of meeting room.
    Letter dated 18th September from Royal Welsh Comrades Association, inviting Councillors to attend the laying up of its old standard. (little notice) The Council contributed £50 towards the cost of the new standard.
    Matters to Report Trees at Canola,Sarn It has been proposed that the work be carried in the first part of October.
    Trees Vale View,Sarn The Clerk has received an e mail from the “representative” Brickworth Developments offering to carry out the work on the Trees if the Council makes a contribution of £500 !
    Sarn Cemetery -Flower Beds The Clerk anticipates tabling a plan for approval at the meeting for re-creating and planting up the two restored flower beds, together with costings.
    Memorial Car Park Extension The plans have now been finalised with BCBC Highways and the planning application was submitted on line on the 2nd October. The Planning process can take up to six weeks, to be completed.
    Shops at Bryncoch Road,Sarn
    Some months ago, the Chair and the Clerk had discussions with V2C about the possibility of tidying up and developing the areas behind the shopps, to provide more car parking, which the Clerk has recently followed up, response awaited.
    Item 8 Events
    Halloween, 30th October – Arrangements to be finalised
    Item 11 Office of the Clerk
    Sadly, the Clerk has to resign the Office due to ill health and the Chair will discuss and agree with members the steps to be taken to appoint a replacement Clerk
    Item 12 Planning & Development
    Applications for Development:
    For Noting
    Decided Applications –consents given
    Land North of Abergarw Trading Estate
    Storage Barn for Farm Vehicles
    BGR 09/10/15