Meeting: Monday 9th March 2015

Dear Councillor

A meeting of the St Brides Minor Community Council will take place at the Life Long Learning Centre at 6.00pm on Monday 9th March 2015.

Brian G Rees Clerk Tel 01656 651500 Mobile 07976 407 289


  1. Introductions and to receive apologies for absence.
  2. To note declarations of interest by members, in any agenda items.
  3. To adopt the minutes of the Council Meetings held on Monday 9th February 2015 and deal with any matters arising, not covered elsewhere on the agenda
  4. BCBC Report
  5. Finance
    i) Latest Bank Statements
    ii) Receipts
    iii) Payments for Approval
    iv) Annual Report & Accounts 2014-15
  6. Report by the Clerk
  7. Events
    i) Dates for Xmas events 2015.
  8. Development Projects (see Clerk’s report)
    i)  Sarn Cemetery
    ii) Car parking at the Memorial Hall, Bryncethin
  9. Reports from External Bodies
    i) Coity Walia:
    ii) Sarn Centre Association
    iii) Friends of Tyn Y Coed Surgery
    iv) V2C
    v) Sarn & Bryncoch PACT
    vi) Bryncethin PACT
  10. Members Reports/ A.O.B
  11. Planning & Development

Date and time of next  meeting  – 6.00 pm on a date in April to be agreed, at the Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn

ST BRIDES MINOR COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda Notes for the meeting to be held on Monday 9th March 2015

Item 5 FINANCE i)Bank Accounts

None presently available.

ii) Receipts

There have been no receipts, since the last meeting.

iii)Payments for Approval

*Rowan Garden Designs, re-filling grit bin on Common, re-concreting bin post at Canola, pruning & cutting back shrubs and low hanging branches at The Cymdda £430

*Healer Surveys Ltd –ground survey, Memorial Hall car park extension £ 234 (incl.VAT)

*Whittington Landscape Architecture –amended Memorial Hall car park scheme design £ 150

Brian Rees Clerk salary payment March £622.48

Brian G Rees Office Services January – March 2015, £240

Brian Rees Expenses – Postage, Cards, £24.16

HMRC Employee Tax & Employer NI, March (by bank transfer) £ 171.48

iv)Annual Accounts  & Return 2014-15

The Annual Accounts will shortly be under preparation. Mr Wyn Davies has agreed to serve as Internal Auditor, once again, subject to the Council’s approval.

Item  6  REPORT BY CLERK Correspondence Received For Decision

*E Mail dated 10th February from, “Community Matters” advising of free saplings available from the Woodland Trust, every March & September.

* Report by the BCBC “Diversity Champion”, to be presented to the Town & Community Council Forum on the 30th March. Recommendations for Town & Community Councils to quote  include the following : Identify a Member Champion for Diversity;consider the co-option of a youth member; encourage members to undertake the mentoring of potential successors, work with the BCBC Diversity Champion to collate and assess relevant daa and assist in the development of the Diversity Strategy.


For Noting/Information

*Letter from Leighton Andrews AM, referring to the White Paper “Reforming Local Government: Power to Local People re. a definition as to which posts and salary levels are considered senior management in Local Government.

*Letter dated 27th February, from Mazars  – the Council’s  External Auditors – advising of change of responsible Partner & address.

* Letter dated 17th February re. Christmas Lighting power supply; electricity bill will be received in due course.

* Letter dated 2nd February from PCSO Jessica Price & Jan Phillips Chair of Sarn/Bryncoch PACT, thanking the Council for the provision of a skip.

*Letter & Card, dated 15th January from Tondu  RFC, thanking the Council for its donation of £200, to support its Junior Rugby.

* Letter dated 2nd February from the parent of Jessica Thornton, thanking the Council for its donation of £100, towards her expenses, to attend an international cricket tournament, representing Wales, Abu Dhabi.

* Letter dated 26th February from the Royal Welsh Comrades Association, thanking the Council for its £50 donation towards the purchase of its new standard.

*Card from the Hallelujah Christian Fellowship, thanking the Council for its donation of £200.

*E Mail dated 19th February, from the Office of BCBC Mayor, advising that the Council’s nomination of Russ White for a Citizenship Award had been successful. Award Ceremony will be held on Thursday 12th March.

*E mail from the Heol Y Mynydd Community Garden & Allotment Society, next meeting Wednesday 18th March.6.30, Sarn Club.

Matters for Report

Sarn Cemetery

A meeting  was held on the Friday 30th January, by the Chair and the Clerk, at Sarn Cemetery, with  BCBC Officers and the Council’s gardening contractor, Rowan Garden Designs, to discuss the detail of the maintenance contract (The Clerk’s e mail to Councillors  dated the 4th February, refers) The projected budget for the maintenance of the Cemetery, is as follows:

Annual Charges

Monthly management and routine maintenance                                                                                       Opening & shutting the gates, Monday to Friday: litter picking, Monday, Wednesday & Friday:,checking toilets, daily, & cleaning as necessary.                        £ 9600 p.a.

Mowing & Strimming Cemetery Grounds & Graves 15 times per year £ 5250 (£350 per mow)

Trimming hedges and disposal of green waste, twice a year                   £  600

Weed spaying twice a year                                                                       £  120

Rubbish Collection                                                                                   £1100

Electricity & Water Supply (est)                                                                  750

Flower Bed Maintenance (est)                                                                 £1000

Contingency                                                                                             £  750

Total                                                                                                      £ 19170 

“One Off Costs”

Re- instate flower beds at entrance and create new bed in                                                            roundabout ( including planting perennial plants, roses bay trees, yews etc)      £ 2000                            


Town & Community Projects 2015/16 – Extended Car parking at Memorial Hall

As agreed at the February  Council meeting, it was agreed that the design of the scheme be updated, to include an additional entrance/exit on Heol Canola and increase the number of parking bays.  This was undertaken and a meeting was held on 23rd February, with the Landscape Architect to approve the design. Present were the Chair, Deputy Chair Councillor Janice Lewis and the Clerk, together with Em Griffiths, Chair of the Memorial Hall. Subsequently, the Clerk visited Clive Davies, Chair of the Coity Wallia Conservators to discuss the design with him. All parties were happy with the design and the Clerk completed the application form for funding from BCBC and submitted it on 27th February. The total projected  cost of the Project will be £46,530, represented by £24,530 from St Brides Minor CC,£20,000 from BCBC and £2000 from the Coity Walia Conservators.  Finalised design, attached.


Bryncethin Common

The Coity Walia Conservators has taken a decision to take action to stop, as far as possible,

illicit entry to the Common for grazing motor or quad bike riding etc. On the 17th February, the Clerk,with Doug John and PCSO,s inspected all the entries to the Common – both five bar gates and kissing gates – with a view to making them as secure as possible, to any such entry. It was agreed that two wooden gates needed replacing with metal gates and that all such gates be secured and locked by strong chains, with the key only obtainable from the Coity Walia Office. One kissing gate, where there is no right of way will be removed and replaced by fencing. At each entry to the Common, notices will be placed prohibiting such entry. The PCSO’s were of the opinion that such measures will greatly restrict such entry in the future.

Reforming Local Government: Power to Local People                                                                               As agreed a number of Councillors – the Chair, Deputy Chair, Councillors Peter Harris & Felicity Watkins and the Clerk  – met together on the 17th February to complete a questionnaire in respect of the above and those sections which related to Community Councils. The response to the questionnaire is available from the Clerk, to other Councillors for inspection, before it is submitted, at the end of this month.

Item 7. Events

The dates for the Christmas events need to be agreed and finalised in good time.

Item 9 Report from External Bodies

v) Sarn & Bryncoch PACT Meeting 2nd March      

The meeting was attended by Councillors Shirley Dobbs & Janice Lewis and the Clerk.


The meeting was well attended and included a guest – Ellis Roberts – from BCBC Trading Standards who gave some advice on dealing with scams, whether on the door step, by Post, phone or internet. Across the UK, the amount lost to scams is staggering. There are a 100,000 names and addresses on what is known as the “suckers” list – those whose details are bought and sold, as susceptible to scams. This list is used by Trading Standards, to identify and counsel those at risk in the County Borough (some 350), with some 10/12 in Sarn. He described a pilot project in Porthcawl,where an area has been “closed” to cold calling door stop callers. This could be rolled out elsewhere if it proved successful. Dogs mess and dogs roaming loose were significant concerns.  The Clerk reported that the give way road signs at Heol Pentyla had been re-marked and the light on the footpath between Heol Ganol and the Green had been re- lit.

Crime Statistics  (for February)


Six crimes. Damage to motor vehicles (3),violence against the person (2),Theft and handling.

Anti Social Behaviour



Six crimes. Theft & handling(2),Damage (3),Violence against the person

Anti Social Behaviour.   

One, Nuisance.

Item 11 Planning & Development

Applications for Development:

*Land at Wern Dew Farm Heol Persondy,Sarn

Erect single storey detached bungalow designed for a disabled person

*107 A & 108 Rowans Lane Bryncethin

Cut back overhanging branches of beech & pine trees.

*Former Ogmore Comprehensive School Play field Abergarw Road                                                                          Residential development for 132 dwellings & associated works

BGR 06/03/15