Meeting: Monday 22nd May 2017
To: All St Brides Minor Community Councillors
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Meeting, followed immediately by the Ordinary Meeting, of St Brides Minor Community Council to be held at Sarn Life Long Learning Centre on Monday 22nd May 2017 at 6.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Should you wish to receive further details of any agenda item, I will be happy to provide all available information.
The press and public are welcome to attend.
Yours sincerely
Ann C Harris
Clerk & RFO
- To receive Apologies for Absence
To receive Declarations of InterestAnnual Meeting
3. To appoint a Chair for the year 2017/18
4. To appoint a Vice Chair for the year 2017/18
5. To read, consider and approve Minutes of the Annual May 2016 Meeting
6. To determine a timetable of meetings for 2017/18
7. To appoint Committees and agree their terms of reference:
– Finance & Resources Committee
8. To appoint representatives to any committees incl. Town & Community Council Forum
9. To confirm the Chair’s allowance for 2017/18Ordinary Meeting
10. To read, consider and approve Minutes of the Ordinary April 2017 Meeting
11. To receive reports from PACT meetings
12. To consider matters arising from the April 2017 Minutes
13. To adjourn if necessary to receive public questions
14. To consider membership of One Voice Wales
15. To receive an update on the Memorial Hall Car Park
16. Finance & Accounts
17. Chairman’s Report including announcements and engagements
18. Clerk’s Report
19. Correspondence
20. Planning Matters
21. Items for the June 2017 Meeting
22. Date & Venue for the next Meeting Sarn Life Long Learning Centre, Monday 12th June 2017 at 6.00 pm