Meeting: Monday 15th February 2016
To all Members of Council
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to attend a COUNCIL meeting to be held at the above address on Monday 15th February at 6pm.
Please note the change of date.
Yours sincerely
Alana Davies
- To note for information Chair’s Announcements and Engagements
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive Members’ Declarations of Interest in respect of business to be transacted
- To confirm and sign the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 11th January 2015
…..Issue of documents to the Public (if applicable) - To consider any matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 11th January 2015
- To adjourn, if necessary, to take Public Questions
- To consider item Finance Report
- To consider change of Bank for St Brides Minor Community Council
- To consider item Update on Projects
a. Memorial Hall Car Park
b. Other projects raised by Councillors - To consider correspondence
a. SLCC Renewal Notice – £103
b. Other correspondence to be tabled - Memorial to Brian Rees
- Reports from BCBC members
- Reports from External Bodies
- Reports from Members/AOB
- Planning & Development
a. Planning applications – none notified
b. Planning decisions – none relating to local applications - Clerk’s report
- Date and time of next meeting: 6pm March 7th 2015