Meeting: Monday 11th May 2015

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to attend a  meeting of the St Brides Minor Community Council which will take place at the Life Long Learning Centre on Monday 11th May 2015, immediately following the completion of the Council’s Annual General Meeting.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Chair’s opening’s remarks and to receive apologies for absence-
  2. To note declarations of interest by members, in any agenda items.
  3. To adopt the minutes of the Council Meeting  held on Monday 8th April 2015 and deal with any matters arising, not covered elsewhere on the agenda
  4. BCBC Report
  5. Finance
    i) Latest Bank Statements
    ii) Receipts
    iii) Payments for Approval
  6. Report by the Clerk
  7. Events
  8. Development Projects (see Clerk’s report)
    i)  Sarn Cemetery
    ii) Addition Beds at the Community Garden, Heol Y Mynydd
  9. Reports from External Bodies
    i) Coity Walia:
    ii) Sarn Centre Association
    iii) Friends of Tyn Y Coed Surgery
    iv) V2C
    v) PACT Sarn & Bryncoch,, Bryncethin
  10. Members Reports/ A.O.B
  11. Planning & Development

Date and time of next  meeting  –  6.00 pm on Monday 8th June 2015, at the Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn

ST BRIDES MINOR COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda Notes for the meeting to be held on Monday 11th April 2015

Item 5  FINANCE i)Bank Accounts

Co-operative bank statement, balance at the 27th March £ 19,085.92.

Co-operative bank statement,

balance at 22nd April  £ 62820.18

Swansea B.S. at the 31st March £ 45,011.41

ii) Receipts

Payment received from V2C for contribution to Skip Hire £160

Payment from BCBC for Footpath maintenance 2014/15, £ 915

iii)Payments for Approv

Zurich Insurance Premier Renewal Date, 1st June  £ 546.51

Sarn Centre Association Meeting Room Hire April 15-March 16, £220

SWALEC Christmas Light Electricity £ 77.45

Bridgend County Mayor’s Charity Appeals Fund – Table sponsorship  £360

Brian Rees Clerk salary payment May £622.48

HMRC Employee Tax & Employer NI, May (by bank transfer) £ 171.48

  Item 6  REPORT BY CLERK Correspondence Received For Decision

*Letter dated 22nd April from the Co-operative Bank advising that credit interest are to be reduced from the 25th June and only payable on balances of at least £25,000.

*Letter from the Pensions Regulator advising that all employers must enrol its employees into a work  pension scheme, for St Brides Minor CC, this must be done by 1st January 2017.


For Noting/Information

*Letter dated 21st August from the Ombudsman, who is concerned at the number of “low level” complaints being received from Town Council & Community Council Members under the Code of Conduct. This  involves  revised guidance on the Code of Conduct and  on the application of a two stage test which the Ombudsman applies in determining whether the Code has been breached or not and whether to investigate or not.. Copies of the revised guidance can be downloaded at

* Undated letter from the South Wales Police Federation advising of the effect of a £48 million cut in the South Wales Police budget to date and the potential effect of the next four years of a further £22 millions. Since 2007 the Service has lost a total of 502 officers,(15%)  from its establishment.

Matters for Report

Sarn Cemetery

The Clerk has approached the designated BCBC Officer seeking  approval to create the flower beds, discussed at the April meeting. A reply is awaited.

Community Garden. Heol Y Mynydd

As agreed at the last meeting the Chair, Vice Chair and the Clerk met at the Garden, with members of the Garden Committee, to discuss and finalise the work to be done. It was agreed that prices would be sought from suitable contractors and prices have been obtained from three –  £5330, £3650 & £ 3575.26 .

Bench at the corner of Llansantfraidd/Heol Y Cwrdy

This project has been completed, entirely by the voluntary effort of Peter Bissimire. (please see attached copy letter)

Item 8 Report from External Bodies

v) Sarn & Bryncoch PACT Meeting 5th May.      

Under twenty residents were in attendance, chaired as usual by Jan Phillps, together with two PCSOs. For the Council, Councillors Shirley Dobbs, Jean Phillips and the Clerk were present. At the April meeting, several residents attended from Tyn Y Coed who had issues with youth annoyance but they did not attend this month, and it was a pity, as the PCSO’s reported some progress as they had spoken to the youths involved and carried out speed monitoring of “offending” mopeds  average speeds around 17 mph.

Anti social behaviour- scrambling bikes drug taking –  reported around the garages at the back of the Sarn Clinic, including dumping into the Clinic grounds.

Youth annoyance appears to persist at quite a high level in The Retreat.

Young children out late around Jubilee Crescent and Queens Ave, playing around cars, “knocking” them and setting off alarms.

A vehicle was complained about, which is driven noisily at high speeds around Sarn & Bryncoch  late at night and after mid night.

A fire lit in a back garden on Queenss Ave or Jubillee Crescent, resulted in the Fire Brigade being called.

TheYnsawdre Environmental Group, assisted by Sarn volunteers, had removed 17 black bags of rubbish on Footpath No 3, from  Sarn Railway station up the St Brides Church and intends to move further along the path on Sunday the 31st May, 9.30 -11.30.

Councillor Mel Nott’s letter to a resident regarding the issues on Heol Ganol, with parking, vehicles crossing footpaths & bollards, was read out to the meeting, which as a result was better informed of the difficulties involved

Crime figures for April, lower, than March


1 violence against the Person

1 abusive messages on line

Anti Social Behaviour

1 Nuisance – Off the Road Bikes.



3  Violence against the person

1 Damage to Vehicle

1 Damage to Propert (wall

Anti Social Behaviour

2 incidents of children causing annoyance

1 Motorbike Nuisance

NEXT SARN & BRYNCOCH PACT 7.00 Monday 1st June. 

Item 11 Planning & Development

Applications for Development:

36 Highland Court Bryncethin Bridgend

Remove existing conservatory & construct single storey hip end roof sitting room

Decided Applications –consents given

None notified

BGR 08/05/15